Monday, August 15, 2022

Let's learn Bash... (Absolutely for Begginers) Part 01

Bash Commands

"Bash" What is this bash? 

Well, It is a bit different name though, if we want to work with Linux, we have to learn bash commands. I think you all have heard about Linux. (Linux is a family of open-source Unix- like operating system WIKI.) 


So, Let's discover commands....

Open your command prompt or bash . We use command prompt or bash to interact with the computer.

List Commands : ls

Use to list all the file or folders inside the current directory.

Changed Directory: cd

use to go from one directory to next directory

Clear Page : clear

To clear current messy prompt or bash

Exit: exit

To exit the prompt or bash


Create Folder : mkdir                                   Remove Directory

eg: mkdir "01 Sample"          eg: rmdir 01\Sample/(without Quotations)

Let's learn Bash... (Absolutely for Begginers) Part 01

Bash Commands "Bash" What is this bash?  Well, It is a bit different name though, if we want to work with Linux, we have to learn ...